Ignite banner showing a group of researchers

Join the Network

We are delighted that you are interested in joining the IGNITE Network+!  We have two tiers of individual membership, as well as an option to join as an organisational member, and you can find all of the details below, if there's anything that you wish to ask please get in touch.  All membership levels are free of charge.

Associate members who wish to transfer over to full membership, can do so by completing a demographic data form, you will need your membership number.  If you aren't sure of your membership number, please get in touch at ignitenetplus@strath.ac.uk 

Associate Membership

For those who are interested in receiving more information about the network and staying informed about initiatives i.e. added to the mailing list and receive a monthly news digest.

click here to join as associate member

Complete a short associate membership form which collects some basic information and details of your areas of interest.

You will automatically be signed up for the mailing list.

You will receive an associate member welcome email with a membership number.

You will receive a copy of the IGNITE Network+ monthly news digest.

You will receive invites to the generic events, initiatives e.g. launch event, workshops, funding calls.

All members are asked to familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct

Full membership

For those who wish to participate in network activities, they should join as full members or upgrade from associate member (funding events, mentoring, champion, apply for funding, speaker/facilitator, sponsorship)

click here to join as full member

Complete a short full membership form which also includes demographic questions (for reporting to EPSRC).

As part of the membership sign up process, you will be asked to complete a profile which will be available publicly.

You will receive a full member welcome email with a membership number, be signed up for the mailing list, receive a monthly news digest and will receive emails about initiatives.

You will be invited to join the LinkedIn closed networking group.

You will also be able to apply for funding provided you are eligible e.g. the PI in FA1 must be from an underrepresented group from an HEI.

All members are asked to familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct

Organisational Membership

Organisational membership is open to all non-individual groups operating in the energy research sector e.g. network/consortium, CDT, trade body, company - all sectors.

click here to find out more

Complete a short organisational membership form

As part of the membership sign up process, the organisation will be asked to complete a profile which will be available publicly.

Your nominated members will be invited to join the LinkedIn closed networking group, be signed up for the mailing list, receive a monthly news digest and will receive emails about initiatives.