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What is IGNITE Network+

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Vision and Aim  


The IGNITE Network+ is centred around Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI), and EDI principles will be embedded in everything that we do.


Our overarching aim is to help the energy research community develop an inclusive and welcoming culture that ensures equal opportunities for all and in which everyone can thrive regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, family structure, nationality, sexuality, socio-economic background, age or religious beliefs.

The IGNITE Network+ defines equality to include creating equal opportunity for all (equity) and eliminating barriers like discrimination and bias. Diversity recognises and celebrates differences, including individual, social, cultural and political differences. Inclusion represents the meaningful action that connects the concepts of equality (including equity) and diversity.


  1. Collect, analyse, and disseminate widely, baseline EDI data in energy research, including intersectional data which is rarely available.
  2. Map out organisational interventions, policies and efforts to manage diversity and inclusion in the energy sector with a view to assessing their relative impact;
  3. Design and implement disruptive initiatives to combat systemic and organisational inequities;
  4. Engage with stakeholders in the energy research community and monitor the success of interventions and initiatives through our annual baseline data collection;
  5. Identify, disseminate and encourage good practice and the development of inclusive cultures;
  6. Pilot and encourage uptake of mechanisms to support diverse individuals within energy research through a mixture of mentorship, advice and advocacy, as well as training of senior managers and leaders;
  7. Increase the number of diverse PIs applying to UKRI/BEIS/industry funding opportunities.

Why do we need the IGNITE Network+?