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Flexible funding activity 1 (FA1) - Increasing the number of diverse PIs on UKRI grants

Initiative | 27-01-2023


This activity is designed to directly address the low number of PIs applying from under-represented backgrounds to EPSRC’s Energy programme. The calls will fund small (£60k) collaborative proof of concept research projects, designed to result in larger multi-partner EPSRC grant submissions under the Energy Programme. Project teams will be encouraged through delivery of a preceding sandpit workshop for researchers eligible to apply. PIs will be required to be from an underrepresented background. Progress of the pilot projects will be monitored over the award period: including journal paper production and grant applications/awards.

Research Champions and Advisory Board members will offer mentorship where requested, with the expectation that successful teams will help to mentor others, to create a self-sustaining culture of inclusivity, equity and support throughout a diverse network of energy experts.

We will be inviting Expressions of Interest to attend a sandpit event for participants to leverage their experience and expertise to design collaborative proof-of-concept research projects.  The Expressions of Interest will open on 8 January 2024.  See funding calls page more information.