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Prescribed activity 7 - Supporting Working Class Energy Researchers

Initiative | 27-01-2023

Led by Prof Aoife Foley (University of Manchester)


Although efforts in the UK over the last thirty years to change the profile of undergraduates from working class backgrounds has been effective[25] this improvement has not transferred to diversity in PDRAs and academics[26]. Their working class backgrounds impact interpersonal and confidence skills when applying for positions and promotions in universities[27][28]. There is little research into this problem, and data on class background is largely unavailable. Anecdotally, issues stem from a lack of confidence, other family support issues and a dearth of mentoring family knowledge[27]. Inclusion of the working class voice in energy innovation will be vital to achieving a just transition. PA7 aims to determine the hurdles that working class postgrads and academics face. Postgraduates and academics in energy with working class backgrounds, across the partner institutions, will be surveyed to identify common challenges. Workshops will be delivered across the UK, including exchanges between industry and academia, to develop recommendations; including identification of appropriate support mechanisms.


25. UCAS (2020), Statistical releases – daily clearing analysis 2020; 26. Quinn (2004), Int. Stud. Sociol. Educ.;27. Binns (2019), Cambridge Scholars Publishing; 28. Lee (2017), Sociol. Educ