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Prescribed Activity 1 - Baseline Data Collection and Impact Monitoring

Initiative | 20-12-2022

Led by Prof Becky Lunn (University of Strathclyde)


Diversity of UK energy researchers (PhDs, PDRAs and academics) is currently unknown, PA1 will collect data via an annual survey of the partner universities. An intersectional perspective will be adopted [19][20], that identifies the characteristics of individuals in the pipeline according to the following diversity characteristics: ethnicity; sexual orientation; gender identity; disability; socioeconomic class. Quantitative and qualitative studies will examine who (in terms of diversity characteristics), when and why individuals progress through, or leave, the energy sector. The UK-wide IGNITE network will provide a unique chance to monitor the pipeline for four years and identify systemic behaviours/challenges.  Findings will be published as a series of easily digestible reports and infographics, including development of recommendations to combat systemic inequality for funding bodies and universities. These will be disseminated to other networks, universities, learned bodies, funders and policy-makers via the website, social media and annual reports. Flexible funds (FA2) are available to expand the number of universities over which data is collected.


19. Collins (2015), Annu. Rev. Sociol.; 20. Crenshaw (1989), Univ. Chic. Leg. Forum;